Lunch Club
Sunday Community Lunches usually meet on the third Sunday of each month for a Sunday roast. Our resident head chef, Chris Dronfield, and a small army of wonderful helpers offer great food and a wonderful place for the community to come together on these special Sundays. For £6 we provide a lovely Sunday roast, dessert, tea or coffee and a warm a friendly place to come together. If you're interested in coming along or if you know someone who might want to join us then please contact Chris through the church office on 024 76443691 or via our Contact us page.

We at St Michael's are rightfully proud of our choral tradition and are always willing to welcome new members to our numbers. We have a well knit group of regular members currently consisting of sopranos, alto's and men who perform at all major festivals and at other services in between. St Michael's choir has been an integral part of St Mike's for so long and it's a real gem in our crown. A great place to enjoy a good sing, good company and good fun. If you'd like to join a choir and think that St Michael's Choir is the one for you come along and give it a try, you might just love it!
We practise on Fridays from 7 until 8.15pm and it would be great to see you there if you're interested. If you would like more information on the Choir please contact us through our contact us page.

Bell Ringing
The bell ringers' main job is to call people to worship on a Sunday - an outward sign of activity at the church. We also ring for celebrations and special events, very traditionally associated with weddings. We meet once a week on a Wednesday evening to practice and improve our skills. Anyone can be a bell ringer as it doesn't require any special level of fitness or other musical aptitude. We are happy to teach anyone,
We regularly ring the bells (tenor 13cwt) at 10:30 for the main 11:00 service, the ringers often to be found prior to this partaking in coffee after the 9:30am service. For practice we regularly meet at 7:30pm (teaching from 7:00pm) on a Wednesday evening. We are very keen to encourage new members. If you wish to know more please visit us in the belfry that is easily found at the west end of the church at the base of the tower.
Mothers Union
The Mothers' Union has been an international Christian organisation since 1876 and despite its name it is all inclusive, many branches have men amongst them. MU actively supports families and communities in need of help in the UK and world- wide. We aim to demonstrate our faith in action. At a National and international level, we have over the years campaigned to bring about real change for families, women and girls rights and the protection of children.
At the heart of what we do is prayer, for each other, our communities and those in need.
Locally at St Michael's we meet on the first Thursday of each month at 2pm in the church centre, we worship together and enjoy hearing speakers on a variety of subjects. For more details please contact Janet Pocklington through our contact us page.

Cell Groups
Cell Groups are small groups of between (roughly) 6 and 12 people who come together for friendship, nurture and a desire to develop their faith. We have a number of groups that meet around the Parish. They are usually held at the houses of the members of the group or at church.